What is cremation?
Cremation is the reduction of human remains to ashes. The body is placed in a cremation chamber and, through
heat and evaporation, the reduction process takes place.
Why cremation instead of the traditional funerals?
Because of the tremendous expense involved, many choose cremation to avoid placing their surviving families in deep debt or severely depleting their savings accounts. As funeral costs have risen dramatically in the last twenty years, cremation has gained rapid acceptance. At its present pace, cremation will be the preferred funeral service within the next ten years.
Is cremation a new idea?
Cremation was the way the ancients dealt with death. In the Golden Age of Greece, cremation was the preferred treatment of the dead. The practice became nearly extinct until the Cremation Society of England was formed in the late 19th century. As a result, last year nearly 60% of the British used cremation. Geographically, the idea has been in use for thousands of years in Japan and India, where 90% of the populace uses cremation.
What are the religious objections?
Most faiths find cremation acceptable to their followers. You will find the majority of those of Judeo-Christian persuasion not only able to select cremation by their respective creeds, but often are counseled by their minister, priest, or rabbi to take advantage of cremation’s benefits.
What technical details are involved?
CREMATION CONSULTANTS will send experienced staff member to meet with you and discuss all the important details, as well as make adequate preparations in advance. The following should give you answers to many questions you may have regarding cremation.
Is the casket required?
Caskets are major expense in ground burial. Cremations do not require a casket, but the use of a container is required to protect the safety of crematory operators. CREMATION CONSULTANTS will provide a simple container for this purpose.
When is embalming done?
Embalming is only done if there is a viewing, and if it is held for longer than one day. Embalming is not necessary for immediate cremation.
Is a funeral director necessary?
New York State Laws require the participation of a licensed funeral director. CREMATION CONSULTANTS will provide an experienced director to attend to your needs and wishes, as well as perform the functions of the cremation service.
Who will secure all the necessary permits?
CREMATION CONSULTANTS will be responsible for obtaining all documents and authorizations that you will need.
What about burial?
Many crematories offer niches, which are special spaces in a wall. They come with marble face that is engraved with the name and date of the decreased. You may also request that the ashes be buried in a cemetery plot. Urns are also available for those preferring them.
What about transporting the body?
CREMATION CONSULTANTS will handle all transportation matters for you. We will arrange to have the body transported to the funeral home and to the crematory.
Is there a financial obligation for pre-arranging a funeral?
Absolutely not.
Can ashes be shipped?
Yes. We can arrange for the transportation of the ashes to anywhere in the world.
Where do I begin?
Discuss is with your family and, perhaps, your clergyman. We’ll be able to fill in details, answer questions and put your plans into writing for you. Let your family know you have these plans. Keep copies in a safe place. Do not keep them in a safe deposit box at your bank as this is immediately sealed after your death.
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Email: gffpa@aol.com